Do you want to learn spanish? Or are you contemplating visiting a Spanish-speaking country, but don’t know any Spanish?

In this article, we have compiled a plethora of rudimentary Spanish phrases according to various categories such as greeting and salutations when meeting someone for the first time, phrases for initiating conversation, and directions for navigating the area. Furthermore, we've included number, quantity, time, day, and date expressions in Spanish.

Our collection encompasses over 300 commonly spoken phrases to facilitate your Spanish learning. Nonetheless, if you need additional phrases in Spanish, you can visit our online English to Spanish translation tool, which will convert English sentences and phrases into Spanish equivalents.

Greetings and Pleasantries in Spanish

It is essential to learn basic greetings phrases for communicating with Spanish-speaking people. Using these phrases shows respect for their culture and languages, and therefore, creates a positive impression and builds better relationships.

Formal greeting "Mucho gusto" (nice to meet you) can be used when meeting someone for the first time. You can say "¿Cómo estás?" (how are you?) or the more formal "¿Cómo está usted?" to ask how someone is doing. Below are a few additional greetings and pleasantries phrases in Spanish.

  1. Hello. / Hi.
  2. Thank you.
  3. Thank you very much.
    Muchas gracias.
  4. You are welcome.
    De nada.
  5. Yes. / No.
    Sí. / No.
  6. Please.
    Por favor.
  7. Excuse me. / Sorry.
    Disculpe. / Lo siento.
  8. Don`t worry.
    No te preocupes.
  9. Good morning.
    Buen día.
  10. Good afternoon.
    Buenas tardes.
  11. Good evening.
    Buenas noches.
  12. Good night.
    Buenas noches.
  13. See you later.
    Hasta luego.
  14. Goodbye. / Bye.
  15. How are you?
    ¿Cómo estás?
  16. I am fine. And you?
    Estoy bien. ¿Y tú?
  17. What is your name?
    ¿Cómo te llamas?
  18. My name is José.
    Mi nombre es jose.
  19. I am pleased to meet you.
    Tengo el placer de conocerte.
  20. Bless you! (when sneezing)
    ¡Salud! (al estornudar)
  21. Cheers!
  22. Good Luck!
    ¡Buena suerte!
  23. Happy Birthday!
    ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
  24. Congratulation!

Starting Conversation Between People

When starting a conversation with people, it's important to be polite and friendly. It can be intimidating when starting a conversation with a new person for the first time.

You can start by introducing yourself, who you are and what you do. You can also ask open-ended questions to encourage others to share more about themselves. For example "¿Tienes aficiones o intereses?" (Do you have any hobbies or interests?).

It takes practice and time to become confident and skilled at starting conversation with anyone. Below are some of the phrases you may find useful to help you start conversation.

  1. Do you live here?
    ¿Vive usted aquí?
  2. Where are you going?
    ¿Adónde vas?
  3. What are you doing?
    ¿Qué estás haciendo?
  4. Today is a nice day, isn`t it?
    Hoy es un buen día, ¿no?
  5. Where are you from?
    ¿De dónde eres?
  6. I am from Madrid.
    Soy de Madrid.
  7. Do you like it here?
    ¿Te gusta aquí?
  8. Yes, I like it here.
    Sí, me gusta aquí.
  9. How long are you here for?
    ¿Por cuánto tiempo estás aquí?
  10. I am here for three days / weeks.
    Estoy aquí por tres días / semanas.
  11. How old are you?
    ¿Cuántos años tiene?
  12. I am 23 years old.
    Tengo 25 años de edad.
  13. What is your occupation?
    ¿Cuál es tu ocupación?
  14. I am a Carpenter.
    soy carpintero
  15. I work in Master Build Ltd.
    Trabajo en Master Build Ltd.
  16. I am a student.
    Soy un estudiante.
  17. I am studying Information Technology.
    Estoy estudiando Tecnologías de la Información.
  18. I am retired.
    Soy jubilado.
  19. What is your … ? (email, phone number, address)
    Cual es tu … ? (correo electrónico, número de teléfono, dirección)
  20. Here is my …. (email, phone number, address)
    Aquí está mi … . (correo electrónico, número de teléfono, dirección)
  21. Are you on Facebook or Twitter?
    ¿Estás en Facebook o Twitter?
  22. Keep in touch!
    ¡Mantenerse en contacto!
  23. It has been great meeting you.
    Ha sido genial conocerte.

Pronouns in Spanish

In Spanish, there are three types of Pronouns.

1. Personal pronouns refer to the subject or object of a sentence.

2. Possessive pronouns indicate ownership. For e.g., This book is mine. (Este libro es mio.)

3. Demonstrative pronouns emphasize a specific person or a thing. For e.g., This is my daughter. (Esta es mi hija.)

1. Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns refer to the subject or object of a sentence.

  1. I
  2. You (singular)
    Tú (informal) / Usted (formal)
  3. You (plural)
    Ustedes (formal)
  4. He
  5. She
  6. It
    lo (masculine) / la (feminine)
  7. We
    Nosotros (masculine) / Nosotras (feminine)
  8. They
    Ellos (masculine) / Ellas (feminine)

2. Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns indicate ownership. For e.g., This book is mine. (Este libro es mio.). There are several types of possessive pronouns depending on the gender and number of the noun referring to.

  1. My / Mine
    Mi / Mío
  2. Your / Yours (singular)
    Tu / Tuyo (informal)
  3. His / Her / Its / Your (singular)
    Su / Suyo (formal)
  4. Our / Ours
    Nuestro / Nuestros
  5. Your / Yours (plural)
    Vuestro / Vuestros (informal)
  6. Their / Theirs
    Su / Suyo (formal)

3. Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns emphasize a specific person or a thing. For e.g., This is my daughter. (Esta es mi hija.)

  1. This
    Este (masculine) / Esta (feminine) / Esto (neuter)
  2. That
    Ese (masculine) / Esa (feminine) / Eso (neuter)
  3. These
    Estos (masculine plural) / Estas (feminine plural)


For anyone visiting Spanish-speaking countries, it is important to know and understand phrases that allow them to buy tickets, travel to their destination by bus, taxi or train, and get around the local areas.

Getting Around

Getting around the local area and navigation surrounding cities in Spanish-speaking countries can be challenging. You might want to get to a certain place or may have queries regarding arrival and departure of public transport.

Learning some basic phrases for getting around can not only help your way around more easily but also help you communicate more effectively with locals.

  1. How do I get to the Zoo?
    ¿Cómo llego al Zoológico?
  2. Can we get there by public transport?
    ¿Podemos llegar en transporte público?
  3. What time does the bus / train / plane leave?
    ¿A qué hora sale el bus/tren/avión?
  4. What time does it arrive?
    ¿A que hora llega?
  5. How long will it be delayed
    Cuánto tiempo se retrasará
  6. Is this seat free?
    ¿Está libre este asiento?
  7. I want to get off here.
    Quiero bajarme aquí.

Buying Tickets

Below are some essential phrases for buying tickets or changing, confirming and even cancelling the tickets.

  1. Where can I buy a ticket?
    ¿Dónde puedo comprar un billete?
  2. Do I need to book a ticket in advance?
    ¿Necesito reservar un billete con antelación?
  3. Can I have a one-way / return ticket, please?
    ¿Puedo tener un billete de ida/ida y vuelta, por favor?
  4. Can I have 1st-class / 2nd-class ticket to … ?
    ¿Puedo tener un billete de 1ª clase/2ª clase a …?
  5. I would like an aisle / a window seat.
    Me gustaría un asiento de pasillo/ventana.
  6. Can I get a day / weekly ticket?
    ¿Puedo obtener un boleto diario/semanal?
  7. I would like to cancel / change / confirm my ticket, please.
    Me gustaría cancelar/cambiar/confirmar billete, por favor.


In many Spanish-speaking countries, buses are a popular and convenient mode of transportation. It is affordable, efficient and in some cases only one mode of travel for both locals and tourists. Below are basic phrases for finding out information regarding buses.

  1. Which bus goes to (the station)?
    ¿Qué autobús va a (la estación)?
  2. What is the bus number?
    ¿Qué es un número de autobús?
  3. Where is the bus stop?
    ¿Dónde esta la parada de autobus?
  4. What is the next stop?
    ¿Cuál es una próxima parada?
  5. I would like to get off at … .
    Me gustaría bajarme en ….


Although expensive, trains offer a comfortable, fastest, safest and scenic way to travel between destinations. Learn essential phrases for finding out train information in order to make the most of your travels and get around like a local.

  1. Where is the nearest underground / subway / metro station?
    ¿Dónde está la estación de metro / metro / metro más cercana?
  2. What station is this?
    ¿Qué estación es esta?
  3. Which platform does the train leave from?
    ¿Desde cuál plataforma sale el tren?
  4. Which line goes to Victoria Station?
    ¿Qué línea va a la estación Victoria?
  5. Do I need to change trains?
    ¿Necesito cambiar de tren?
  6. Which carriage is for Heathrow?
    ¿Qué vagón es para Heathrow?


Taxi offer a convenient and comfortable way to get around the place. Knowing following basic phrases can help you communicate effectively with taxi drivers and even get a good bargain.

  1. I would like a taxi at (2pm)
    Quisiera un taxi a las (2pm)
  2. Where is the taxi stand?
    ¿Dónde está la parada de taxis?
  3. Please take me to (this address).
    Por favor llévame a (esta dirección).
  4. Could you please take me to [restaurant/hotel/shop], please?
    ¿Podría llevarme a [restaurante/hotel/tienda], por favor?
  5. Could you please take me to the airport/train station/bus station?
    ¿Podría llevarme al aeropuerto/estación de tren/estación de autobús?
  6. How much does this cost?
    ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
  7. Is the price negotiable?
    ¿El precio es negociable?
  8. Can you give me a discount?
    ¿Me puede dar un descuento?
  9. Please turn on the meter.
    Por favor, encienda el taxímetro.
  10. How long will it take to get to [destination]?
    ¿Cuánto tardará en llegar a [destino]?
  11. Stop here.
    Deténgase aquí.
  12. Can you give me a receipt, please?
    ¿Me puede dar un recibo, por favor?


Explore and learn essential phrases required for finding right accommodation whether you are staying in a hostel, hotel, or staying with locals.

Finding Accommodation, Booking, Checking In & Out

If you are travelling to a Spanish-speaking country, finding the right hotel and making a reservation can be a difficult task. Below are a few hotel-related phrases, which you can use for finding a hotel, book room, checking in and check out.

  1. Where is a hotel?
    ¿Dónde hay un hotel?
  2. How much is it per night?
    ¿Cuánto cuesta por noche?
  3. Is breakfast included?
    ¿Está incluido el desayuno?
  4. I would like to book a room, please.
    Me gustaría reservar una habitación, por favor.
  5. I have a reservation for 2 nights / weeks.
    Tengo una reserva para 2 noches/semanas.
  6. Is there wireless internet access here?
    ¿Hay acceso inalámbrico a internet aquí?
  7. Do you have a double / single / family room?
    ¿Tiene una habitación doble/individual/familiar?
  8. Can I see the room?
    ¿Puedo ver la habitación?
  9. When/Where is breakfast served?
    ¿Cuándo/Dónde se sirve el desayuno?
  10. Can I use the laundry?
    ¿Puedo usar la lavandería?
  11. Do you arrange tours here?
    ¿Organizan excursiones aquí?
  12. Could I have my key, please?
    ¿Podría darme mi llave, por favor?
  13. Sorry, I lost my key!
    ¡Lo siento, perdí mi llave!
  14. There is no hot water.
    No hay agua caliente.
  15. The air conditioner / heater / fan does not work.
    El aire acondicionado/calefacción/ventilador no funciona.
  16. What time is checkout?
    ¿A que hora es la salida?
  17. I am leaving now.
    Me voy ahora.
  18. Could I have my deposit, please?
    ¿Podría tener mi depósito, por favor?
  19. Can you call a taxi for me?
    ¿Puedes llamar un taxi para mí?


If you are getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life to experience the beautiful outdoors, you may need to camp in a tent, camper van or cabin as hotels may not be available. Learn a few phrases that can help you locate and stay in a campsite.

  1. Where is the nearest camp site?
    ¿Dónde está el camping más cercano?
  2. Can I camp here?
    ¿Puedo acampar aquí?
  3. Who do I ask to stay here?
    ¿A quién le pido que se quede aquí?
  4. Is the water drinkable?
    ¿El agua es potable?
  5. How much do you charge for a caravan / tent?
    ¿Cuánto cobran por una caravana/tienda?
  6. Gas cylinder / Sleeping bag / Tent / Torch
    Cilindro de gas / Saco de dormir / Tienda / Antorcha

Home Staying / Staying with Locals

Choosing for a homestay with locals can often prove to be a more fulfilling experience than staying in a hotel or camping. Nevertheless, it is crucial to familiarise with some fundamental phrases to communicate effectively and build a good relationship with your host. Even if you aren't fluent in Spanish, making an effort to speak the language can greatly enhance your experience and leave a positive impression.

  1. Can I stay at your place?
    ¿Puedo quedarme en tu casa?
  2. I have my own sleeping bag.
    Tengo mi propio saco de dormir.
  3. Can I bring anything for the meal?
    ¿Puedo traer algo para la comida?
  4. Can I do the dishes?
    ¿Puedo lavar los platos?
  5. Thank you for your hospitality.
    Gracias por tu hospitalidad.


  1. Where is (a/the supermarket)?
    ¿Dónde está (un/el supermercado)?
  2. Where can I buy … ?
    ¿Dónde puedo comprar refrescos de …?
  3. I would like to buy …
    Me gustaría comprar ….
  4. How much is it?
    ¿Cuánto cuesta?
  5. Can you write down the price?
    ¿Puedes escribir el precio?
  6. Do you accept credit/debit cards?
    ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito/débito?
  7. Do you accept crypto currencies?
    ¿Aceptan criptomonedas?
  8. Could I have a bag, please?
    ¿Podría tener una bolsa, por favor?
  9. I don't need a bag, thanks.
    No necesito una bolsa, gracias.
  10. Could I have a receipt, please?
    ¿Podría darme un recibo, por favor?
  11. I would like to return this, please.
    Me gustaría devolver esto, por favor.
  12. I would like my money back, please.
    Quiero que me devuelvan mi dinero, por favor.
  13. That's too expensive.
    Eso es demasiado caro.
  14. Can you lower the price?
    ¿Puedes bajar el precio?
  15. I will give you …
    Te daré …

Safe Travel

While knowing basic phrases is certainly important, it is crucial to also familiarize yourself with phrases and sentences necessary for emergencies, such as reporting robberies to the police or seeking medical attention from a doctor or hospital in case of health issues.


  1. Help!
  2. There's been an accident.
    Ha habido un accidente.
  3. Thief!
    ¡Ladrón! (masculine) / ¡Ladrona! (feminine)
  4. Fire!
  5. Stop!
  6. It's an emergency!
    ¡Es una emergencia!
  7. Do you have a first-aid kit?
    ¿Tienes un botiquín de primeros auxilios?
  8. Call a doctor/police!
    ¡Llama a un médico/a la policía!
  9. Call an ambulance?
    ¿Llame una ambulancia?
  10. Could you please help us/me?
    ¿Podría ayudarnos/a mí por favor?
  11. I'm lost
    Estoy perdido.


  1. Where is the police station?
    ¿Dónde está la estación de policía?
  2. I want to report a robbery.
    Quiero denunciar un robo.
  3. I have been robbed.
    Me han robado.
  4. He/She has been assaulted.
    Él/Ella ha sido asaltado.
  5. My wallet was stolen?
    ¿Me robaron mi cartera?
  6. I have lost my …
    He perdido mi …
  7. I have been wrongly accused by her.
    He sido acusado injustamente por ella.
  8. Can I call someone?
    ¿Puedo llamar a alguien?
  9. Can I call a lawyer?
    ¿Puedo llamar a un abogado?
  10. I want to contact my embassy.
    Quiero contactar con mi embajada.


  1. Where is the nearest hospital/doctor?
    ¿Dónde está el hospital/médico más cercano?
  2. I need a doctor who speaks English/Spanish.
    Necesito un médico que hable inglés/español.
  3. Could I see a male/female doctor?
    ¿Puedo ver a un médico hombre/mujer?
  4. Where is a nearest chemist?
    ¿Dónde está la farmacia más cercana?
  5. I have been vaccinated for Covid/Hepatitis.
    He sido vacunado para Covid/Hepatitis.
  6. I have a fever.
    Tengo fiebre.
  7. I am sick.
    Estoy enfermo (masculine) / Estoy enferma (feminine)
  8. He/She/My friend is sick.
    Él / Ella / mi amigo está enfermo.
  9. I have been vomiting.
    he estado vomitando
  10. I have altitude sickness.
    Tengo mal de altura.
  11. I am seasick.
    Estoy mareado (masculine) / Estoy mareada (feminine)
  12. I am allergic to …
    Soy alérgico a las ….
  13. I can't move my …
    No puedo mover mi …
  14. My (hand/leg) is swollen.
    Mi (mano / pierna) está hinchado. (masculine) / Mi (mano / pierna) está hinchada. (feminine)
  15. I have a toothache.
    Tengo dolor de muela.
  16. My dentures are broken.
    Mis dentaduras están rotas.
  17. My gum hurts.
    Me duele la encía.
  18. I have run out of medication.
    Me he quedado sin medicación.
  19. I need a prescription for …
    Necesito una receta para …
  20. I am on medication for …
    Estoy tomando medicamentos para …


  1. I have a disability.
    tengo una discapacidad.
  2. I need assistance.
    necesito ayuda.
  3. Is there a wheelchair access?
    ¿Hay un acceso para sillas de ruedas?
  4. Is there a disabled toilet?
    ¿Hay un baño para discapacitados?
  5. Is there a lift?
    ¿Hay un ascensor?
  6. Could you help me cross this street?
    ¿Podrías ayudarme a cruzar esta calle?
  7. Is there a wheelchair space?
    ¿Hay un espacio para sillas de ruedas?

Time, Day and Dates in Spanish

Being well-versed in phrases related to time, day, and dates is indispensable when traveling to a Spanish-speaking nation. These phrases can help you plan your activities, schedule appointments, and communicate effectively with locals. Here are some common phrases to get you started.

Past, Present and Future Time

  1. Morning
  2. Afternoon
  3. Evening
  4. Night
  5. Today
  6. Tomorrow
  7. Tomorrow Morning
    Mañana por la mañana
  8. Day After Tomorrow
    Pasado mañana
  9. Yesterday
  10. Yesterday Evening
    Ayer por la tarde
  11. Day Before Yesterday
  12. This Week / Next Week / Last Week
    Esta semana / La próxima semana / La semana pasada
  13. This Month / Next Month / Last Month
    Este mes / Próximo mes / Último mes
  14. This Year / Next Year / Last Year
    Este año / El próximo año / El año pasado
  15. Now
  16. Later
    Más tarde
  17. Before
  18. Until May
    Hasta mayo
  19. Within a Week
    Dentro de una semana
  20. Within an hour
    Dentro de una hora
  21. In (three) days
    En tres días
  22. In (ten) minutes
    En diez minutos

The Calender

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday
  8. January
  9. February
  10. March
  11. April
  12. May
  13. June
  14. July
  15. August
  16. September
  17. October
  18. November
  19. December
  20. Summer
  21. Autumn
  22. Winter
  23. Spring

Clock Basic in Spanish.

  1. What time is it?
    ¿Qué hora es?
  2. Quarter past one / two.
    La una / dos menos cuarto.
  3. Quarter to one / two.
    La una menos cuarto / dos.
  4. Half past one / two.
    La una y media / dos.
  5. Twenty past one / two.
    La una/dos veinte.
  6. Twenty to one / two.
    Veinte a uno / dos.
  7. It's 1:30 pm / 2:15 am.
    Son las 13:30 / 02:15.
  8. At what time?
    ¿A qué hora?
  9. At date?
    en la fecha?
  10. At ...
    En ...
  11. Second(s)
    Segundo (s) [masculine] / Segunda (s) [feminine]
  12. Minute
  13. Hours
  14. Day
  15. Week
  16. Month
  17. Year
  18. Decade
  19. Century

Numbers and Amount in Spanish

Learning how to understand, express and write numbers and amounts is a crucial aspect of studying Spanish. It can help in situations like bargaining, purchasing goods, dealing with exchange rates and much more.

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers are fundamental numbers used for counting objects or expressing quantities in numerical form. They are used in almost every daily situation, such as telling time, counting money, expressing quantities of time, and much more.

  1. 0 (zero)
    0 (cero)
  2. 1 (one)
    1 (uno)
  3. 2 (two)
    2 (dos)
  4. 3 (three)
    3 (tres)
  5. 4 (four)
    4 (cuatro)
  6. 5 (five)
    5 (cinco)
  7. 6 (six)
    6 (seis)
  8. 7 (seven)
    7 (siete)
  9. 8 (eight)
    8 (ocho)
  10. 9 (nine)
    9 (nueve)
  11. 10 (ten)
    10 (diez)
  12. 11 (eleven)
    11 (once)
  13. 12 (twelve)
    12 (doce)
  14. 13 (thirteen)
    13 (trece)
  15. 14 (fourteen)
    14 (catorce)
  16. 15 (fifteen)
    15 (quince)
  17. 16 (sixteen)
    16 (dieciséis)
  18. 17 (seventeen)
    17 (diecisiete)
  19. 18 (eighteen)
    18 (dieciocho)
  20. 19 (nineteen)
    19 (diecinueve)
  21. 20 (twenty)
    20 (veinte)
  22. 21 (twenty one)
    21 (veintiuno)
  23. 30 (thirty)
    30 (treinta)
  24. 40 (forty)
    40 (cuarenta)
  25. 50 (fifty)
    50 (cincuenta)
  26. 60 (sixty)
    60 (sesenta)
  27. 70 (seventy)
    70 (setenta)
  28. 80 (eighty)
    80 (ochenta)
  29. 90 (ninety)
    90 (noventa)
  30. 100 (one hundred)
    100 (cien)
  31. 101 (one hundred one)
    101 (ciento uno)
  32. 200 (two hundred)
    200 (doscientos)
  33. 201 (two hundred one)
    201 (doscientos uno)
  34. 500 (five hundred)
    500 (quinientos)
  35. 1000 (one thousand)
    1000 (mil)
  36. 2000 (two thousand)
    2000 (dos mil)
  37. 2001 (two thousand one)
    2001 (dos mil uno)
  38. 2102 (two thousand one hundred two)
    2102 (dos mil ciento dos)
  39. 10000 (ten thousand)
    10000 (diez mil)
  40. 100000 (one hundred thousand)
    100000 (cien mil)
  41. 1000000 (one million)
    1000000 (un millón)
  42. 1000000000 (one billion)
    1000000000 (mil millones)

Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the order or sequence of things or event. They are particularly useful for ordering, ranking, or indicating positions. For instance, one might say, "I prefer seat number fifteen" (Prefiero el asiento número quince) to indicate a preference for seat number.

  1. First (1st)
    Primero (1º)
  2. Second (2nd)
    Segundo (2º)
  3. Third (3rd)
    Tercero (3º)
  4. Fourth (4th)
    Cuarto (4º)
  5. Fifth (5th)
    Quinto (5º)
  6. Sixth (6th)
    Sexto (6º)
  7. Seventh (7th)
    Séptimo (7º)
  8. Eighth (8th)
    Octavo (8º)
  9. Ninth (9th)
    Noveno (9º)
  10. Tenth (10th)
    Décimo (10)


Amount refers to the quantity or measurement of something, whether it's money, time, or the total number of items in a set. For instance, you could say "El monto total de las compras fue de $132 dólares." to mean "The total amount of the shopping was $132 dollar.".

  1. Less
  2. More
  3. 1/2 (a half)
    1/2 (la mitad)
  4. 1/4 (a quarter)
    1/4 (un cuarto)
  5. 1/3 (a third)
    1/3 ( un tercero )
  6. All / None
    Todos / ningunos
  7. Some / Many
    Algunos / muchos
  8. How Much?
    ¿Cuánto cuesta?
  9. How Many?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I learn basic Spanish?

You can use this page to read useful Spanish phrases and practise them regularly until you become comfortable using them in everyday conversations. You can also listen to audio recordings of the phrases to improve your pronunciation.

If you need additional phrases in Spanish, then you can use our English to Spanish translation tool, to easily translate English to Spanish phrases and sentences.

What are the Useful Spanish Phrases?

The Useful Spanish Phrases are a collection of commonly used expressions and sentences that can help anyone communicate in Spanish more effectively. These phrases cover various topics such as greetings, ordering food, asking for directions, and many more.

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Translate Spanish words, sentences and phrases into English for FREE.
Phrases for Greetings & Pleasantries, Starting Conversation & more.
Phrases for Greetings & Pleasantries, Starting Conversation & more.
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